Friday, December 11, 2009

From Victim to Victor….

I have always been a victim for as long as I can remember. It is not always fun, but it is pretty comfortable. You might be saying to yourself right now, you wimp, just stand up for yourself. That is what all of my counselors and mentors have probably wanted to tell me, but didn't. They knew they had a bigger job to do before they got to that part.

Being a victim is an outcome. The real source of the problem for me were words and phrases that I believed about myself that were not true. These words have been spoken verbally and nonverbally to me my whole life. It was and is hard to break these word curses that I have believed to be true, but I am doing it. I have never felt so much peace in my life, but more peace is on the way for me.

The following posts will be the highlights of my life so far. I am only 26 years old. I believe wholeheartedly there is a reason for every situation I've been in. Sharing my story will give glory to God and it will also encourage someone else. God has a great purpose and a great plan for me know matter what happens to me and how much I screw up. He loves me and He loves you too.

All of the names of people and places will be changed to protect people who may get offended or upset from actions they regret taking.

Thank you for reading.

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